# Building well-rounded adults
Other sporting activities which are built into the home calendar include a running club (organised by two young men from Austria one of whom visited in January 2024), and football, volleyball and other activities

My purpose is to share a few photos to encourage those of you who support Kindfund.
Our Wamba site is home to over 70 children and during this long school break from late October through to early January we have a varied programme of development, social (those with relatives willing to host them have spent a few weeks in November with them), academic (study and tuition), spiritual (participation in home worship) and physical activity (health both physical and mental wellbeing).
One such activity was a boxing day ramble up the local mountain to a reservoir and some of the photos from this event inspired me to write this short piece. Other sporting activities which are built into the home calendar include a running club (organised by two young men from Austria one of whom visited in January 2024), and football, volleyball and other activities. The regular participation in these activities has resulted in quite a few of our children participating in sports at a District and County level.
The impact on the children’s wellbeing is reflected in the children’s faces and demeanours in the photos.
A special thank you to Samson, our teacher who carries most of the load organising these activities. and himself enjoys participating and recording the events mainly on video. Our thanks also cover his helpers from our tertiary students home on leave and the Home management team for their commitment to the wellbeing of the children.
added on Dec 29Help us to build mature adults