
# Water from Borehole

Water for 1000 people – from 300 ft

Rain finishes classrooms

Travelled up to Ndikir this week to find the borehole with the Lister Petter diesel pump had been out of operation for two months.

It seems that the engine vibrations had worn through the wires on the control box. Routing the wires well away from the engine then reconnecting them soon solved the problem. Started up the pump and soon we had water from 300 ft for 1000 people and many camels, cows and goats!

The engine badly needs servicing so have bought new filters and oil and will return later with insulating tape and rubber tubing too, to make permanent the control box rewiring.

Unfortunately very heavy rain last weekend finished off our temporary stick and straw classrooms and bedroom. Just one old classroom remains usable, though back in August we did build a permanent classroom for the use of classes 2 to 5. In any case with school off until January disruption should be minimal.

In Ngaremara at the moment we are taking the opportunity to do some fencing and building work. The kitchen is ten years old and in dire need of refurbishment, so some remodelling work will allow us to fix the kitchen, improve our use of existing buildings and create additional storage space.

added on Nov 17

Pray for a partner to join with us in the development planned for Ndikir

Kindfund was established as a charity in 2004 to further the gospel of Jesus Christ and to help relieve poverty amongst some of the poorest tribes in northern Kenya, working with the pastoralist Turkana, Samburu and Rendille.

We currently use 5 tonnes of food and supplies per month, providing for 125 children in 4 homes and 250 children in nursery and primary education.

We have dug 7 wells and fitted 7 handpumps, bringing safe water to remote villages.

100% of gifts go to Kenya.

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Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100121 and accepted as a Society in Kenya 26316