
# Progress on the edge of the desert

We now have facilities for 28 children on site and a readily expandable platform to add additional steel house dormitories.

Shower cubicles, cooking area, food preparation area, food store, general office and raised platform for two 10,000ltr water tanks
have been added to the original classroom/dining room to complete this phase of our development at Ndikir, Laisamis.
We now have facilities for 28 children on site and a readily expandable platform to add additional steel house dormitories.
The 10 children we have had in the home for the past few years happily moved to the new site and buildings a few months ago but development has continued as we improved the central core of the home.
Water remains problematic as we continue to purchase supplies by bowser drawn from Ngurnick 50kms away. The long-term answer is our own onsite borehole when we have the funds and the expertise.
We also need to acquire and install cooking pots similar to our other homes at a cost of c£2000/$2500
Raphael, Lucy and the small team at Ndikir are preparing for the phased intake of additional children as we identify the most needy from the Rendille and Samburu areas of Northern Kenya.

added on Jan 9

Pray for discernment as we select the most needy

Kindfund was established as a charity in 2004 to further the gospel of Jesus Christ and to help relieve poverty amongst some of the poorest tribes in northern Kenya, working with the pastoralist Turkana, Samburu and Rendille.

We currently use 5 tonnes of food and supplies per month, providing for 125 children in 4 homes and 250 children in nursery and primary education.

We have dug 7 wells and fitted 7 handpumps, bringing safe water to remote villages.

100% of gifts go to Kenya.

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Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100121 and accepted as a Society in Kenya 26316