
# Andrew and Paul run Bible Camp

Coming back a second year and seeing the kids reinforced how much I missed their infectious smiles and endless energy

P & A Bible Camp

What a welcome! It was so good to be back in the place that stole our hearts just over one year ago. Last time out, we experienced a pretty eventful and sometimes frightening few weeks with local violence in Ngaremara leading to the evacuation of the entire centre on our final day. Praise God that since that day, Ngaremara

has been a relatively peaceful place and God has protected each and every person within Kindfund in that time.
We got out of the jeep after a long 2 days of travelling to be greeted with many hugs and happy faces, faces we had got to know last year and were delighted to be reunited with. We spent our first 2 days in Ngaremara spending time with the younger children as well as a few of the teenagers who had been attending secondary school in the area. It did not take long for these little ones to recite back and sing everything we had taught them last year and for us to be reminded of how energetic and fun this bunch of youngsters were. It was also great to reunite with Pamela and Gillian who once again went out of their way to make us feel welcome and made sure we never went hungry. (Not an easy task!)

After these 2 short days, we headed up to Wamba to be reunited with the majority of the children we had met last summer. Arguably this welcome was even more impressive and humbling than the last. We could hardly get out the door of the jeep due to the volume of kids mobbing the vehicle. After many more hugs and high fives, we soon settled back into life in this beautiful part of Kenya. It was so great to see all the kids again, particularly those we had been sponsoring and praying for through the year and seeing how many of them had grown and matured.

Our main vision and goal for the 2 weeks was to share Christ with these precious kids both through sharing the gospel and simply spending time with them showing them God’s love. Having been out last year, we had a much clearer idea of what to expect and had decided to split the group of almost 80 kids into two main groups. Each morning we held a meeting for the younger children that largely took the form of a Bible Club for the week. During these meetings, we shared a different miracle that Jesus performed through his lifetime and considered what these meant to our lives today; namely that Jesus provides, heals, empowers, understand and saves. There was also some fantastic singing on show as well as a lot of healthy competition in our quizzes between the boys and the girls.
In the evenings, we brought together the 27 teenagers for a separate time of worship and teaching that was more relevant and useful for their age group that took the form of discussional workshops. During these meetings we both feel that God really spoke, teaching these young people about their incredible value in Christ, the seriousness of their sin, how to read the Bible/have a quiet time and how to be salt and light to others around them.

The majority of the rest of our time in Wamba, consisted of playing games, making crafts and getting alongside these amazing kids. We also spent one afternoon climbing a nearby mountain with some of the kids, something they found a lot easier than we did in the scorching heat while trying to avoid the many 3 inch thorns on the ground below. Each night also consisted of some incredibly intense games of Uno with both children and leaders regularly showing their passion and competitive edge. It is fair to say that despite the kids love of the game, we both will be taking a considerable break from it and don’t want to see another Uno game for a long time.

Our short stay in Wamba soon came to an end and it was time to pack up and head back to Ngaremara for a day before setting off on our homeward journey. After a few more games with the little ones and one final game of Uno, we waved goodbye to Kindfund for another year, praising God for his goodness and provision during another memorable stay. We already miss our Kenyan friends and we can’t wait to get back out again in the future. We love you guys and we thank God for you all!
Andrew and Paul

Quote from Andrew:
“Kindfund has grown a special place in my heart and personally for me, this year even outshone last year’s trip. God continues to do amazing things in the lives of these amazing kids who once again inspired and challenged us in ways they will never realise. I leave Kenya once again feeling greatly blessed by those I met and only encourage more of you to invest time, money and prayer into this amazing work. Asante Kindfund!”

Quote from Paul:
“Coming back a second year and seeing the kids reinforced how much I missed their infectious smiles and endless energy. These 2 short weeks again again struck it home how blessed these Kindfund kids and young people are to have a loving home with safety, shelter, food, education, friends and above all the gospel message presented to them. It was such a privilege to witness how Kindfund has impacted their lives and how Ken, Pam, Gillian and all of the staff are working tirelessly to care for these kids. Let’s keep on supporting and praying for Kindfund!”

added on Sep 13

Pray seed sown will germinate and produce fruit

Kindfund was established as a charity in 2004 to further the gospel of Jesus Christ and to help relieve poverty amongst some of the poorest tribes in northern Kenya, working with the pastoralist Turkana, Samburu and Rendille.

We currently use 5 tonnes of food and supplies per month, providing for 125 children in 4 homes and 250 children in nursery and primary education.

We have dug 7 wells and fitted 7 handpumps, bringing safe water to remote villages.

100% of gifts go to Kenya.

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Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100121 and accepted as a Society in Kenya 26316