
# Hunger not Covid 19 main danger N Kenya

All livestock markets are closed and every single person are crying of hunger. Two elders have passed on in two weeks interval not because of Covid 19 but hunger

Disabled Child at Laisamis

Memo from Raphael and Lucy who manage our Children’s Home at Ndikir in N Kenya

Last week I received this communication from Raphael:
‘Hi Ken and Pam how are you we are OK in the Lord. There is hunger in our neighbourhood which has affected our staff. All livestock markets are closed (Government reaction to Covid 19. This is devastating to the local Rendille community who totally depend on their animals for survival as they live in scrubland on the edge of a desert) and every single person are crying of hunger. Members of staff besiege for food. Relief is needed for 400 households since this Covid 19 not only claim by virus it demand on famine. Tell brethren in Christ. Greet Pam and all our prayers are on you for protection. Raphael
Footnote: Two elders have passed on in two weeks interval not because of Covid 19 but hunger Raphael
I have suggested to Raphael that we provide a relief scheme for some of the worst effected villagers. There has been heavy rain and there is a danger of flooding our home if it continues so I am suggesting he has a barrier dug in the sandy soil to divert water running from a nearby hill.
In response Raphael and Lucy have identified 40 of the neediest village families who could send a member to join a relief scheme and we would pay 300 ksh per day (c.£2.30). We have suggested starting with 20 and initially giving 5 days work and depending on how our resources enable we could extend.

added on Apr 26

That relief will come for the villagers impacted by the closure of their markets

Kindfund was established as a charity in 2004 to further the gospel of Jesus Christ and to help relieve poverty amongst some of the poorest tribes in northern Kenya, working with the pastoralist Turkana, Samburu and Rendille.

We currently use 5 tonnes of food and supplies per month, providing for 125 children in 4 homes and 250 children in nursery and primary education.

We have dug 7 wells and fitted 7 handpumps, bringing safe water to remote villages.

100% of gifts go to Kenya.

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Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100121 and accepted as a Society in Kenya 26316