
# Emmanuel Surgery Update 2

A further update on our story about Emmanuel’s reconstructive surgery

On Sunday 13th September Emmanuel and housemother Josephine set out at 6.45am by taxi from Ngaremara, for the six hour drive to Kijabe Hospital on the edge of the Rift Valley, 50kms North of Nairobi, from where they texted their safe arrival.

After an examination and X-ray on Sunday afternoon, reconstructive surgery was scheduled for the next morning. Josephine spent the night in a chair by Emmanuel’s bedside. They each slept as best they could.

At 9.00am on Monday Emmanuel was taken down to the theatre. After a long wait we received word from Josephine that he had arrived back in the ward at 4.30pm – a very long day for all concerned, but particularly Emmanuel and Josephine.

Later we received word from the doctor that the first stage of the surgery had been successful (the surgeon had used tissue from Emmanuel’s mouth in the graft), but cautioned that further surgery is still needed to complete this phase, plus there are other issues to be dealt with.

We hope that young Emmanuel will be well enough for discharge before the end of the week. Ken and Pamela will be visiting them on Thursday and finding out what the plans are for completion.

See the original story here.

added on Sep 18

Please pray for Emmanuel for a complete success for this phase, relief from pain and quick healing. Remember also Josephine who will have slept in the chair for a week to be able to attend to his needs at night.

Kindfund was established as a charity in 2004 to further the gospel of Jesus Christ and to help relieve poverty amongst some of the poorest tribes in northern Kenya, working with the pastoralist Turkana, Samburu and Rendille.

We currently use 5 tonnes of food and supplies per month, providing for 125 children in 4 homes and 250 children in nursery and primary education.

We have dug 7 wells and fitted 7 handpumps, bringing safe water to remote villages.

100% of gifts go to Kenya.

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Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC100121 and accepted as a Society in Kenya 26316